York Open Studios 2019 1 April 2019
6, 7, 13 and 14 April 2019
10am - 5pm

Constance Isobel, Three Rings. 2019
I am pleased to be taking part in the annual York Open studios exhibition again. For this years show I was invited to exhibit alongside Chris Utley, A well-established potter who has been living and working in York for many years.

Chris Utley, 2019
We will be showing our unique handmade work from Chris’ welcoming home where her studio is in Holtby.
You are invited to come along & visit us, to view our Jewellery & ceramics and meet the makers. I’ve been working on some new pieces especially for this exhibition and will be looking forward to hearing what you think of my new designs.
There are over 100 artists taking part in York Open Studios 2019 so getting around these can be a bit of a task. However, each artist is listed in the Y.O.S programme with a venue number. Each venue number is clearly marked on the map that can be found at the back of the exhibition programme. Chris & I are listed as venue number 38.
This year three artists in total are exhibiting in Holtby village including myself, Chris Utley (venue 38) and Hannah Arnup at Arnup studios (venue 37). We will be open each day from 10am until 5pm.
We look forward to seeing you!